RI and District Awards
Meagan Bell , Lafayette, Chair
John Solomon, Chattanooga (Globe Club Awards)
Bobby Davis, DRFC, Kingston (Rotary Foundation Awards)
Alan Clark, Franklin County A.M.
(Star Club, Star AG, and Wm T. Sergeant Per Capita Giving awards)
Alan Clark, Franklin County A.M. (Youth & YES Awards)
John Downs, Sparta (Polio Awards)
Cindy Gammons, PDG, Lafayette
Click HERE for the President's Cheat Sheet
See below for a description of all awards.
Rotary Year 2024-2025
Note: Go to the Awards Tab to
find the current form for each award.
Club Excellence Award - awarded by RI. This was formerly called the Rotary Citation. To see submission criteria, go to MyRotary, click Member icon, then Awards. A certificate is awarded at the end of the Rotary year and usually not sent out until early fall.
District Governor Citation - Contact Meagan Bell at: mbell09@nctc.com for any questions. Deadline is June 15. However, if you want to be recognized at the District Conference, you must submit it by April 7, 2025. A certificate is awarded.
Star Club - Clubs must donate at least $125/member (based on July 1, 2024 membership) to Rotary Foundation. No submission form is needed. Deadline is June 15, but it is best to have donation submitted by the first week of June to give RI time to post it to your club. Contact Al Clark for any questions. A star patch is awarded and once a club has donated for 10 years, a large star patch is awarded, indicating a Super Star club.
Globe Club - Deadline is April 7, 2025. Contact John Solomon at jcsolomo@sewanee.edu for any questions. Certificate is awarded.
William T Sergeant Polio Eradicator Club - This is a change in the name of the award to honor the late Bill Sergeant for his relentless work in the fight against polio. Clubs must donate $50/member (based on July 1, 2024 membership) to End Polio Now. No submission form is required. Deadline is June 15, but it is best to submit the donation by the first week in June to give RI time to post it to your club. Contact John Downs at Latigo57@yahoo.com for any questions. Patch is awarded.
YES Award - Changes have been made to the criteria, so be sure to read it carefully. Contact Alan Clark at: aclark176@comcast.net for any questions. Deadline is April 7. 2025. A certificate is awarded.
Germ Lacy Bomar Awards of Excellence - Named in honor of past RI Presidents, John Germ, Jim Lacy and James Bomar, this prestigious award is made for excellence of club projects within the avenues of vocational, fundraising, and international service. Award is given also for excellence in club bulletins/newsletters. Please note for this year, the avenues of community service and youth service will be omitted and there will be only one category for bulletins (instead of ebulletins and printed bulletins).
This award requires a write-up with numerous criteria and for this reason, please go to the district website to review the requirements. Also pay attention to the judging criteria and be sure to address these in your write-up. Although the info on the website is from last year, it is still current. I am working on establishing a central data bank for you to submit your write-up, like last year, but it isn’t ready yet, so for now you can submit them to me at Meagan Bell. A certificate is awarded, and deadline is April 26th.
RI Annual Program Fund Per Capita - This award is given by RI and the Rotary Foundation to the three district clubs with the highest per capita giving to the annual fund. RI tracks the giving and awards a banner after the Rotary year ends. Deadline is June 30, but it is best to send donations in by at least the first week of June. No submission form is needed. Contact RI for any questions.
Every Rotarian Every Year (EREY) Award - This award is given by RI and the Rotary Foundation. For clubs that achieve a minimum Annual Fund contribution of $100 per capita during the Rotary year, and every dues-paying member must personally contribute at least $25 to the Annual Fund during the year. Deadline is June 30, but it is best to send donations in by the first week in June. A banner is awarded, and no submission form is needed. Contact RI for any questions.
Star Club AG - This award is given to AG’s when all the clubs in their area become Star Clubs. No submission form is needed and Al Clark tracks this. You may contact him with any questions. Deadline is June 30, but to be recognized at the District Conference, clubs need to have their donations in by April 7, 2025. Contact Al Clark at aclark176@comcast.net with any questions.
John Germ Rotarian Serving Humanity Award - The District Governor determines when this award is given and recognized.
Avenues of Service Award - This award gives Presidents the opportunity to recognize individual members for their service and support in the five Avenues of Service - club, community, international, vocational, and youth. Presidents may nominate as many members in as many of the avenues as they desire. Once a member receives the award is all five avenues, he/she qualifies for the RI Avenues of Service Award. DG Cindy is a supporter of this award and encourages Presidents to submit as many members as they can. When goal is met, complete the submission form and email to DG Rob Dansereau at robdansereau@gmail.com. Submissions can be made throughout the year.
District Service Award - This award recognizes individual(s) for their service/support of The Rotary Foundation and is selected by the Foundation Committee. No submission form is required, and winner(s) will be announced at the District conference. Contact Bobby Davis at: bobbyrotary6780@gmail.com with any questions.
District Significant Service Award - This award is designed to recognize club activities that address a significant problem or need in the local community. Club Presidents can nominate one project per year to the DG. Submission form is attached and should be submitted to DG Rob Dansereau @ robdansereau@gmail.com. Deadline is April 7, 2025. (This award can also be used to replace the Lacy Bomar Community Service award)
Service Above Self Award - This award is presented by RI and honors outstanding service beyond official responsibilities. DG’s submit nominees by October each year. More info is listed on the RI website.
Citation for Meritorious Service - This award, presented by RI, recognizes outstanding service on behalf of the Rotary Foundation. Nominees must be submitted by the District RF Coordinator and prior to November each year. More info is listed on the RI website.
Distinguished Service Award - Presented by RI, this award honors individuals who have demonstrated exemplary service to the Foundation and have received the Citation for Meritorious Service at least four years prior. Nominee is submitted by the District RF Coordinator during the Nov-Dec time period.
The following awards are all presented by The Rotary Foundation based on Rotary Foundation giving:
Paul Harris Fellow
Paul Harris Society Major Donor
Bequest Society
Arch Klumph Society
To see donation requirements for each award, please go to the RI website or contact Bobby Davis: BobbyRotary6780@gmail.com