Administration Committee - Finance


Finance Committee Members 2024-2025:

Cindy Gammons, PDG, Lafayette (1), Chair
Alan Clark, PDG, Franklin County A.M. (2), Member
Ron Appuhn, PDG, Maryville, (1) Member
Rob Dansereau, DG, Knoxville Volunteer, ex-officio
David Carroll, DGE, Cleveland, ex-officio
Non Voting Members
Deb Birdsall, DGN, Fairfield Glade, ex-officio
Jenifer Campbell, Oak Ridge, Treasurer, ex-officio
Patty Daughtrey, Bearden, Secretary, ex-officio

Administration Committee - Finance

The District Finance Committee is composed of three past district governors selected by the College of Governors at the COG meeting at the annual business meeting and serve rotating three year terms. The District Governor, the District Governor-elect, the District Governor-nominee and the District Treasurer are ex-officio members of the committee and cannot vote. The voting members are the three Finance Committee members.  The District Secretary will record the minutes of the meeting and publish the minutes and handouts on the District website. 

Those aspects of the operation of district finances not prescribed by the district rules of procedure (RoP) are contained in the District Finance Committee Manual.

The district budget for the following Rotary Year (July 1 - June 30) is developed by the DGE with assistance from the Treasurer; reviewed, modified and approved by the District Finance Committee; reviewed, modified and approved by the College of Governors; presented to the attendees of the District Assembly (if the assembly occurs before the District Conference) or the club presidents-elect at the Presidents-Elect Orientation Seminar, then approved by the clubs at the District Conference.

For questions/comments regarding district finances, please contact PDG Cindy Gammons, the Finance Committee Chair.

Updated Finance Committee Manual - Revised 2019



Financial Statements for the
 District Business Meeting
on Saturday, May 18, 2024


District 6780 Financials              Bomar Foundation Financials

              6-30-2023                                              6-30-2023

              4-30-2024                                              4-30-2024

Proposed 2024-2025 Budget - Passed at 2024 Business Mtg


Financial Statements for the
 District Business Meeting
on Friday, April 22, 2022

District 6780 Dues and Invoices Information 


2021-22 Financial as of March 31, 2022

District 6780 Financial              Bomar Foundation Financials


2020-2021 Proposed District Budget

2019-2020 Actuals as of 30 April 2020

                Balance Sheet                               Budget vs Actual


2019-2020 Bomar Foundation Financials 
as of 30 April 2020

                 Balance Sheet                                Profit & Loss

30 June 2019 Final 

2018-2019 - Financials as of 30 June 2019


Minutes from 2019 District Conference Business Meeting



Updated Finance Committee Manual - Revised 2019

Committee Minutes Reports:

October 2014 Minutes

October 23, 2015 Meeting Minutes

October 23, 2015 Meeting Handouts

January 15, 2016 Meeting Minutes

2016-17 Approved Budget

September 1, 2016: IPDG Beth Stubbs held a review of last year's financials for the District at 2:00 ET on GoToMeeting. All club presidents and the District Leadership Team was invited. Below are the financial statements for the last year.

June 30, 2016 Financial Statements
    - Income Statement as of 30 June 16
    - Balance Sheet as of 30 June 16

November 15, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Proposed 2017-2018 Budget

December 31, 2016 Financial Statements

    - Income Statement as of 31 Dec 16
    - Balance Sheet as of 31 Dec 16

March 31, 2017 Financial Statements

    - Income Statement as of 31 Mar 17
    - Balance Sheet as of 31 Mar 17

June 30, 2017 Financial Statements

June 30, 2018 Financial Statements

March 31, 2019 Financial Statements

Proposed Budget for 2019-2020

Finance Committee Manual - 2019



Patty Daughtrey
District Secretary




District Events
Annual Fund and PolioPlus Giving Year-to-Date
Paul Harris Society Members by Club
PolioPlus Society Members by Club
District Leaders

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