RI Goals

Be A Vibrant Club brochure

From RI President Mark D. Maloney's brochure:


Achieve at least 3 of the following: 

Rotary can automatically verify many of your club’s achievements as long
as you keep your club and member information up-to-date in My Rotary.
To be eligible for the Rotary Citation, clubs need to begin the year as
active clubs that are in good standing and remain so throughout the year.
Achievements will be compared with membership figures from 1 July
2019 and will be recognized after the 1 July 2020 numbers are final,
on 15 August 2020.

Achieve at least 5 of the following goals:
ll Appoint an active club membership committee comprised
of no less than five members and report the chair to Rotary
ll Achieve a net gain in membership
ll Maintain or improve your club’s retention of current and new
¡¡ Improve your club’s retention rate by 1 percentage point or
¡¡ If your club’s retention rate was 90 percent or more in
2018-2019, maintain it
ll Achieve a net gain in female members or members under the
age of 40
ll Conduct a study of your members’ occupations, and work
to align your membership with the mix of businesses and
professions in your community




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