District Rules of Procedure
Revised and Adopted April 24, 2021
Download Rules of Procedures
1. Selection of the District Governor-nominee
2. District Organization
3. District Finances
4. District Awards
5. Awards for Interact Members
6. Official Meetings and Reimbursements
7. Representation on Council on Legislations and Council on Resolutions
8. Resolutions
9. Harassment
10. Youth Protection
11. Relationship of District Rules to Rotary Constitutional Documents
12. James L. Bomar Interact Foundation
1.1 Time of Selection.
The district shall select a nominee for governor between 24 and 36 months before taking office. The nominee shall become the governor-nominee-designate upon selection and the governor-nominee on 1 July two years before taking office as governor.
1.2 Nominating Committee for District Governor.
1.2.1 The nominating committee shall consist of five members who possess all the following qualifications:
a. Have completed term as a governor of this district by the time the member is to serve on the committee.
b. Be an active member of a club in this district at the time of election and throughout service on the committee.
c. Have not served more than two consecutive terms on the nominating committee. After the lapse of one year, the Rotarian is eligible again for membership. Membership on the committee by an elected member for any part of the Rotary year whether or not completing the year or attending meeting(s) shall be considered to have served. An alternate is not considered to have served unless the alternate attends a committee meeting in place of a principal.
1.2.2 Election of members of the Nominating Committee.
The nominating committee shall be elected at the district business meeting which occurs immediately prior to the Rotary year in which the committee is to serve. Voting shall be by electors using a written or electronic ballot prepared by the district election committee, one ballot to each qualified elector present and voting. The ballot shall contain the names of all Rotarians meeting the qualifications for the nominating committee unless an eligible Rotarian shall have notified the election committee in writing that he/she does not want to be considered. Each elector will be allowed to vote for five candidates and the five receiving the highest number of votes shall constitute the nominating committee. In the event that the five highest candidates cannot be determined due to ties, selection will be made by giving preference to the tied candidates or candidate whose last nominating committee service has been the most distant. If this action does not break the tie, additional
ballots limited to the tied candidates shall be taken until the tie or ties have been broken.
1.2.3 Alternate Members of Nominating Committee.
The nominating committee candidates receiving the sixth, seventh, eighth, etc., highest number of votes shall become the first, second, third, etc., alternates and will take place on the nominating committee in the event of death, resignation, subsequent ineligibility or inability to serve on the part of a principal.
1.2.4 Lack of Eligible Candidates for Nominating Committee.
In the event there are insufficient persons possessing the eligibility specified in Section 1.2.1and able and willing to serve before or after the prescribed election, the district governor shall appoint one or more past club presidents to the committee provided that, other than not being a past district governor, they possess all other qualifications for membership on the committee and provided that there may not be more than one past president from the same club serving at the same time.
1.2.5 Candidates for Membership on the Nominating Committee.
Candidates for the nominating committee for district governor are prohibited from seeking support from electors. No candidate will make any commitment to a potential candidate for district governor in advance of the nominating committee meeting. No literature supporting a candidate for the nominating committee should be published or distributed.
1.3 Nominating Committee Procedures.
1.3.1 Chair, Quorum and Voting.
The district governor shall appoint the chair of the nominating committee. A quorum for all meetings shall be four members. The transaction of all business shall be by majority vote except that in the selection of the committee’s nominee for district governor, the votes of at least four members of the committee shall be cast in favor of such nominee.
1.3.2 Committee Selection of District Governor-Nominee.
As specified in the Bylaws of Rotary International, the nominating committee shall seek out and propose the best available candidate for district governor-nominee. The governor shall invite the clubs to submit their suggestions for nominations for governor-nominee. The announcement shall be made to the clubs in the district at least two months before suggestions must reach the nominating committee.
1.3.3 Suggestions for District Governor-Nominee.
A suggestion shall be submitted in the form of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the club naming the suggested candidate. The resolution shall be certified by the club secretary. A club may only suggest one of its own members as a candidate for governor-nominee. A suggestion must be made on forms prescribed by the nominating committee and signed by the Rotarian being suggested, the club president and the club secretary as required on the form. Suggestions may be transmitted by postal mail or by email. They must be received by the date specified by the nominating committee.
1.3.4 Interview.
The committee shall interview the proposed candidate(s). Partners may be invited to the interview at the discretion of the chair. In making its selection, the nominating committee shall not be limited to only to those names submitted by clubs.
1.3.5 Notification of Nomination.
The committee shall make a selection and inform the district governor of the candidate selected within 24 hours of the adjournment of the nominating committee. Within three days of the receipt of the notice, the governor shall notify the clubs in writing of the name and club of the nominee, set the deadline for challenging candidates which shall be within 14 days of the notification. If there are no challenging candidates, then the governor shall declare the selection of the
nominating committee to be governor-nominee.
1.3.6 Committee Inability to Select Nominee.
If the nominating committee cannot agree upon a candidate, the governor-nominee shall be elected in a club ballot as provided in the current RI Bylaws. In either case, only those candidates suggested to the nominating committee may be on the ballot.
1.4 Challenging Candidates
As specified in the Bylaws of Rotary International, any club in the district in existence for at least one year as of the beginning of that year may also propose a challenging candidate for governor-nominee, but only if it previously suggested the candidate to the nominating committee. A club in existence for less than one year as of the beginning of that year may propose a challenging candidate if the candidate is a member of that club and was already suggested to the nominating committee. The name of the challenging candidate shall be submitted by a resolution of the club
adopted at a regular meeting and filed with the governor by the date set by the governor, which shall be within 14 days of notification of the selection for governor-nominee.
1.4.1. Concurrence to Challenges.
The governor shall inform all clubs through a form prescribed by RI of any challenging candidate and ask whether any club concurs with the challenge. In order to concur, a club must adopt a resolution at a regular meeting and file it with the governor by the date set by the governor. A valid challenge requires concurrences by either:
(a) 10 other clubs; or
(b) 20 percent of the total number of clubs which have been in existence for at least one year as of the beginning of that year in that district, whichever is higher. A club shall concur with only one challenging candidate.
1.4.2 Challenging Nominations.
Within seven days after the deadline, the governor shall notify clubs that there is a valid challenging candidate. The notice shall include the name and qualifications of each challenging candidate, the names of the challenging and concurring clubs, and state that the candidates will be voted on in a club ballot or at the district business meeting, if the challenge remains valid for 30 days after the notice by the governor. If there is no valid challenging candidate, the governor shall declare the committee’s candidate as the governor-nominee. The governor shall notify all clubs in the district in writing of the nominee within 15 days.
1.5. Other Provisions Regarding the Selection of the Governor-nominee.
Other provisions regarding the selection of the governor-nominee in the current version of RI Bylaws and Rotary Code of Policies are incorporated by reference into these procedures.
2.1 General.
The district governor is an officer of Rotary International. The governor is assisted by other Rotarians in the district, some of whom have duties prescribed by the district to carry out district-instituted activities and others to whom the governor may assign responsibilities or seek advice as the governor sees fit.
2.2 Obligating clubs.
Neither the district governor, the district governor-elect nor the district governor-nominee shall obligate or commit the clubs in the district to participate in any activities outside the district without first obtaining a recommendation from the college of governors. Excluded from this provision are established Rotary International and district programs such as, but not limited to, the Rotary Foundation and the Bomar Interact Foundation. District-generated funds shall not be used in support of non-Rotary activities or organizations.
2.3 Vice Governor.
Pursuant to the provisions in the Rotary International Bylaws, District 6780 shall appoint a vice governor annually. The vice governor will have no official responsibilities except to stand ready to serve in the event that the district governor is unable to fulfill his/her duties for all or part of the district governor year. The vice governor for a given year is recommended by the district-governor elect who will serve as district governor in the same year. The recommendation is reviewed and ratified by the district nominating committee. The vice governor serves a term of
one year.
2.4 College of Governors.
Unless one asks to be excused, every past governor who is an active member of a club in the district shall be a member of the college of governors. The college is a group of distinguished Rotary leaders with great experience who continue their availability for service, as requested by the governor. The college and its members have no standing duties (except as may be prescribed elsewhere in these Rules) but await a call from the governor.
2.5 District Officers.
The officers of the district are the district governor, the district secretary and the district treasurer.
2.5.1 Emeritus Officers.
The District may grant emeritus status to a retiring district secretary or treasurer. A holder of emeritus status will be invited to college of governors dinners and meetings. Emeritus status does not confer voting privileges. The district governor, district governor-elect, district governor-nominee, and district governor-nominee designate (if chosen at the time a meeting is convened) will serve as a committee to recommend such status to the college of governors using guidelines developed by the committee.
2.6 District Secretary.
2.6.1 Duties. The district secretary:
a. Serves as custodian of district-owned Rotary records and other property.
b. Orders past district governor pin for the outgoing governor and delivers to the incoming governor for formal presentation to the outgoing governor.
c. Reminds and assists the immediate past governor, or friend of the outgoing governor, in the matter of procuring a suitable gift for the outgoing governor.
d. Assists and advises the credentials committee.
e. Assists and advises the election committee in preparation of election ballots.
f. Canvasses eligible candidates for various district elective positions and prepares slate(s) of candidates for elections at the district business meeting.
g. Serves as District Conference secretary
h. Takes minutes for finance committee meetings, meetings of the college of governors, the governor’s committee, and other meetings at the request of the district governor.
i. Serves as secretary of the Bomar Interact Foundation.
2.6.2 Appointment and Term of Office.
The district secretary shall be an active Rotarian and is appointed by the district governor for a term to coincide with that of the governor.
2.7 District Treasurer.
2.7.1 Duties. The district treasurer:
a. Has custody of the district fund, district grant funds, district global grant funds, and Heart 2 Heart funds; and maintains separate financial records for each.
b. Oversees investment of the district fund at the direction of the district finance committee.
c. Receives bills and prepares checks as authorized by the district governor and/or district
finance committee.
d. Processes memorial contributions per guidelines in these Rules of Procedures.
e. Bills the clubs for district dues and for PETS in a timely manner.
f. Serves ex-officio on the district finance committee (non-voting), and the Bomar Interact Foundation (voting). Serves on other district committees at the request of the district governor.
g. Prepares financial reports for the district budget, the district fund, and Bomar Interact Foundation for presentation to the college of governors meetings, the district training assembly, PETS, and the district conference.
h. Prepares reports and reconciles financial records with committee leaders for the district conference, district golf tournament, district grant funds, district global grant funds, and Heart-2-Heart funds and maintains separate financial records for each.
i. Completes and files on or before the IRS deadline each year, the Internal Revenue Service Form 990:
1) the integrated financial funding of District 6780 which consists of the district fund, Interact, Heart 2 Heart, district conference, district golf tournament, Rotary Youth Exchange, and RYLA .
2) the Bomar Interact Foundation.
j. Completes and files other state and federal forms as required.
k. Serves as treasurer of the Bomar Interact Foundation.
2.7.2 Appointment and Term of Office.
The district treasurer shall be an active Rotarian and appointed by the district governor for a term to coincide with that of the governor.
2.8 Assistant Governor.
2.8.1 General Overview.
Assistant governors are district appointees selected by the district governor who are responsible for assisting the district governor in the execution of certain tasks and duties; for acting as liaison between clubs and the district governor; for interacting with other assistant governors, committee members and other district leaders and for helping promote Rotary and Rotary Foundation activities and programs within the district. The assistant governor is the official representative of the district governor and shall perform duties as assigned by the governor. Term
Appointments are for a term coinciding with that of the governor.
2.8.2 Requirements for appointment.
a. Member in good standing of a local club in the district.
b. Completed one (1) full term as club president before selection.
c. Graduate of or enrolled in the district leadership academy.
d. Completes assistant governor training.
e. Attends President’s-elect Training Seminar, the district training assembly and the district conference immediately preceding the start of the Rotary year when he/she will serve as assistant governor.
f. Be willing and have the ability and time to accept responsibilities of assistant governor.
g. Demonstrated outstanding performance at the club and/or district level.
h. Potential for future leadership in the district.
2.8.3 Primary duties.
a. Meets with and assists the incoming club presidents in his/her assigned area before the beginning of the Rotary year to discuss club goals.
c. Updates the governor on progress within the assigned clubs, including attendance at local and district meetings, membership growth and support for The Rotary Foundation.
d. Assists the district governor in organizing and strengthening new and existing clubs.
e. Encourages clubs to follow through on requests and recommendations of the governor.
f. Visits each assigned club in his/her area regularly with a minimum of one visit each quarter of the Rotary year.
g. Works with the governor and other district leaders to develop district goals.
h. Advises the incoming governor, if asked, on district committee member appointments.
i. Promotes and attends PETS, the district training assembly, the district conference, Rotary Foundation events, and other district meetings.
j. Identifies potential district leaders and encourages them to participate in district activities.
k. Recommends candidate(s) for the district leadership academy.
2.9 Finance Committee.
A committee of three Rotarians each serving a term of three years, appointed by the college of governors from among their members in the manner prescribed below. Members must have served as a governor in District 6780.
2.9.1 Election.
The college of governors, at its annual meeting at the district conference, shall elect one member to serve for a term of three years and shall fill any unexpired terms. Any vacancy shall be filled at a meeting of the college of governors which follows the occurrence of the vacancy. The senior member in terms of years served in the member’s current term on the committee shall be the chair.
2.9.2 Quorum.
Those present at a meeting of the college of governors shall constitute a quorum for the election of a member of the finance committee.
2.9.3 Re-election.
A member of the finance committee may be re-elected after the lapse of one year following completion of a term of service.
2.9.4 Vacancy.
The district governor shall appoint from the college of governors a person to fill any vacancy which occurs between meetings of the college, such persons to serve only to the next meeting of the college of governors.
2.9.5 Ex-officio Members.
The district governor and the district governor-elect are ex-officio voting members of the finance committee. The district treasurer, district secretary, and the district governor-nominee are ex-officio and non-voting members of the finance committee.
2.9.6 Responsibilities.
a. The Finance Committee is responsible for preparing the district budget with the district governor-elect for his/her year of service as governor.
b. The Finance Committee monitors the budget and the chair must approve any variations in expenditures from the budget
2.10 District 6780 Leadership Academy.
2.10.1 General
The District Leadership Academy (DLA) provides intensive training for Rotarians who demonstrate a high potential for future leadership positions within the district. The training will take the form of correspondence lessons and a summary seminar.
2.10.2 Chair and Faculty.
The academy will be designed and operated by a District Leadership Academy Committee consisting of a chair and six or more additional members. The committee shall consist of past district governors and experienced and knowledgeable Rotarians. There shall be no time limit on how long a committee member may serve. The chair of the committee should be a past district governor. In the event there is no past district governor who is willing, able and qualified to serve, the district governor may appoint an experienced and knowledgeable Rotarian as chair. The chair of the committee should serve for at least two years but may serve longer.
Replacements shall be appointed by the district governor upon the recommendation of the chair of the committee.
2.11 District Conference Committees and Officials.
2.11.1 Conference Chair.
The general chair is selected by the governor.
2.11.2 Conference Secretary.
The district secretary shall serve as the conference secretary. The conference secretary:
a. Cooperates with the district governor in making plans for the conference.
b. Records the conference proceedings and takes minutes at the district business meeting.
2.11.3 Sergeant-At-Arms.
Appointed by the governor with duties as those ordinarily pertaining to the office.
2.11.4 Resolutions Committee.
A committee of Rotarians appointed by the governor to prepare, receive and present resolutions at the district conference, district business meeting or by a ballot-by-mail procedure.
2.11.5 Credentials Committee.
A committee of one or more Rotarians appointed by the governor to receive, examine, and authenticate credentials of electors for district elections. The committee shall prepare lists of electors certified by the clubs and issue identification to electors. The committee shall have full authority to determine whether credentials are acceptable subject only to appeal to the conference
2.11.6 Election Committee.
A committee of one or more Rotarians appointed by the governor who prepares, distributes, collects and counts ballots for district elections conducted at the district conference, district business meeting or by a ballot-by mail procedure.
2.12 Other District Committees.
2.12.1 Committees Prescribed or Recommended by Rotary International or the Rotary Foundation.
These committees include but are not limited to Rotary Foundation, Membership, and Public Image. The district governor may appoint such committees, other than those prescribed in these Rules, as the governor considers in the best interest of the district. Committees should consist of a chair and at least two members. Committees should be as diverse as possible. District Leadership Academy graduates should be considered for committee members.
2.12.2 Committee Chair.
The chair shall be appointed by the governor for a term coinciding with that of the governor even though the term of committee membership may continue.
2.12.3 Term of Service.
Except for those committees whose terms may be prescribed by Rotary International or The Rotary Foundation or elsewhere in these Rules, the term of service is for the term of the appointing governor.
3.1 Budget.
The finance committee, cooperating with the district governor-elect, shall prepare a proposed budget for the ensuing Rotary year. The budget shall conform to authorized provisions of the District Rules of Procedure where such provisions exist and shall be in consonance with the anticipated income for the year. Funds from district reserves may be used to balance the budget if projected expenditures exceed projected revenues. In other areas, the finance committee shall exercise its judgment in consideration of the program of the district governor, past practice of
the district and their own experience and discretion.
3.1.1 Committee Budgets and Expenditures.
Committees of Rotary District 6780 shall submit itemized budgets to the district finance committee. A full financial report on committee expenditures shall be provided to the district treasurer no later than August 1 following the end of the Rotary year.
3.1.2 Budget Approval.
The proposed budget shall be presented to the club presidents-elect for review at the District Training Assembly, or at the Presidents-Elect Training Seminar if the District Training Assembly occurs after the District Conference. The final budget recommended by the finance committee and reviewed by the presidents-elect shall be established by resolution at the annual District Conference by a majority of the electors present and voting. Once established, no item of the budget shall be exceeded without the written approval of the chair of the finance committee.
3.1.3 Budget Distribution.
The finance committee shall furnish a copy of the approved budget to the incoming district governor, the district governor-elect and the district treasurer by June 1.
3.2 District Fund.
The District Fund is established for financing district-sponsored projects and administering and developing Rotary in the district.
3.3 Levy.
Each club is required to pay a per capita levy to the district fund for each active member on the roll of the club as of July 1 of the Rotary year. The number of members in each club as determined by Rotary International on July 1 will be the official number of members for purposes of the levy. The per capita levy shall be determined by the district conference by a majority of the electors present and voting, or at PETS or the district training assembly by three fourths of the incoming
club presidents.
3.4 Authorized Use of District Fund.
The district fund shall be used to:
a. defray expenses of the district conference as determined by the finance committee budget.
b. cover authorized expenses of the district team training assembly, district training assembly, district share of PETS, district leadership academy or other similar authorized district-wide meetings and programs. Such covered expenses shall not include the attendees travel expenses to and from the meeting site within the district.
c. defray Rotary International convention attendance expenses and zone and regional meeting expenses as authorized in Section 4 of these Rules.
d. purchase a past district governor’s pin for the outgoing district governor and a gift from the clubs of the district, the gift not to exceed $500.
e. meet the expenses of district committees and officers as authorized in the budget.
f. fund the cost of memorials as defined in Section 3.12.
g. finance the development of Rotary within the district as determined by the governor.
3.5 Deposit of Funds.
District funds shall be deposited in a bank account designated as the property of the district and not the personal property of any Rotarian. The account shall be known as “The Rotary International District 6780 Fund.”
3.6 Disbursement of Funds.
Unless specifically authorized by these or by conference resolution, the district treasurer shall disburse funds only upon proper authorization of the governor with proper documentation. Any expense exceeding a budgeted line item must also be approved by the chair of the finance committee.
3.7 Reporting.
The district treasurer shall make a report on the status of the district fund each year to the district conference.
3.8 Control of Funds.
All district funds shall be under the control of two signatories as authorized by the district finance committee.
3.9 Financial Review.
3.9.1 Finance Review Committee Members.
At the end of the Rotary year the district fund and all other funds under the control of the district shall be independently reviewed by the district finance review committee. The governor shall appoint a finance review committee composed of a minimum of three active Rotarians. At least one past district governor shall serve on the committee. Other members shall be financially literate and not include any district officer, member of the finance committee or signatory on a district bank account.
3.9.2 Funds to be reviewed.
The review committee will review all funds under district control. The Rotary International Bylaws specify what is to be reviewed and reported. In addition, the finance review committee will review the Bomar Interact Foundation funds. A report of the finance review committee’s review of the Bomar Interact Foundation shall be made available to each director of the foundation.
3.9.3 Annual Financial Statement Reporting.
Within one year of service as governor, the immediate past governor must provide each club with the independently reviewed financial statement and report of district finances. The report must be presented to the next district conference for discussion and adoption. The governor shall also send the review to each club in the district.
3.10 Bonding.
The district treasurer shall be bonded at the expense of the district at a level to cover the maximum expected size of the fund.
3.11 Disposition of Assets.
Should, at any time, the organization known as District 6780 ever be dissolved, the remaining assets of every kind shall be transferred to and become the property of the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.
3.12. Memorials.
3.12.1 The district shall provide a memorial in the event of the death of a past or present RI officer, RI officer- elect, RI officer-nominee or past or present district officer or a member of the immediate family of qualifying individuals who served or resides in District 6780.
3.12.2 Immediate family is defined as the officer’s partner, child or parent.
3.12.3 Memorials take the form of a contribution to The Rotary Foundation, or the Bomar Interact Foundation as selected by the family of the deceased. The amount of the memorial shall not exceed $200.00 for a past or present RI officer, officer-elect or officer nominee, or past or present district officer. The memorial for a deceased member of the immediate family shall not exceed $100.00.
4.1 Awards Committee.
The awards committee is composed of six Rotarians who have a broad perspective of Rotary shall administer the program. At least two members of the committee shall be past district governors. Two members are appointed each year for three-year terms by the district governor. The district governor shall designate the chair, fill unexpired terms, and cast a deciding vote where the committee cannot agree on a selection.
4.2 Awards Guidelines.
The district awards committee shall publish appropriate guidelines to the clubs for the awards and set deadlines. Where feasible, awards shall be presented at the district conference.
4.3 Germ-Lacy- Bomar Awards of Excellence.
4.3.1. General. The awards are made for excellence of projects within the following categories: vocational service, community service, international service, and fund raising. Awards will also be made for club bulletins and for such other achievements as the governor and district awards committee shall consider appropriate and desirable.
4.3.2. Name.
The name of the awards are the “Germ-Lacy-Bomar Awards” to honor past RI president James L. Lacy of the Rotary Club of Cookeville, past RI President John Germ of the Rotary Club of Chattanooga, and to memorialize past RI president James L. Bomar, Jr. of the Rotary Club of Shelbyville.
4.3.3. Awards levels and nature.
The committee may make awards to clubs for first, second and third place in each category at its discretion and shall determine the nature of the award.
4.4 Awards for Special Club Achievement.
4.4.1 Star Club.
Star Club recognizes a club’s commitment to sustained annual giving. Recognition is given for achieving average giving of at least $100 per capita by end of the Rotary year.
4.4.2 Globe Club.
Globe Club recognizes a club’s commitment to international service. Criteria for the award are established by District International Service Committee.
4.4.3 William T. Sergeant Polio Eradicator Club.
The William T. Sergeant Polio Eradicator Club award recognizes a club’s commitment to polio eradication. Recognition is given for achieving average giving of at least $50 per capita by end of the Rotary year.
4.4.4 YES – Youth Event Sponsor Award.
The YES Award recognizes clubs that have contributed to and supported Interact and/or Youth Exchange and/or sponsored students to RYLA. Levels of award are given depending upon the number of activities and programs supported. The district youth services committee establishes guidelines.
4.4.5 District Governor Citation.
Criteria are established annually by the district governor.
4.4.6 Other Awards.
From time to time a district governor may provide recognition for other club achievements. Such awards are only for the term of the governor and not considered annual awards.
4.5 John F. Germ Rotarian Serving Humanity Award.
4.5.1 Name.
The name of the Award is the John F. Germ Rotarian Serving Humanity Award to honor 2016-2017 Rotary International President John F. Germ from the Rotary Club of Chattanooga.
4.5.2 Award Recipient(s) Selection.
In consultation with the district governor-elect and the district governor-nominee the district governor will select the award recipient(s). The award will be announced and presented at the district conference.
4.5.3 Basis.
The Award will recognize a Rotarian or Rotarians in District 6780 who exemplifies the
Rotary motto Service Above Self by performing continuing humanitarian service in the true spirit of Rotary Serving Humanity.
5.1 General.
There are two award programs for members of District 6780 Interact clubs: The James L. Bomar, Jr. Scholarship Award and the Fred Brown Interact Award of Merit.
5.2 James L. Bomar, Jr. Interact Scholarship Award.
5.2.1 Name.
The name of the award is the “James L. Bomar, Jr. Interact Scholarship Award” to honor James L. Bomar, Jr., president of Rotary International 1979-80.
5.2.2 Funding.
The scholarships are funded by the Bomar Interact Foundation. (See Section 12)
5.3 Fred Brown Interact Award of Merit
5.3.1 Name.
The name of the award is the “Fred Brown Interact Award of Merit” to honor the memory of Past District Governor Fred Brown, the first district chair for Interact.
5.3.2 Cash Award for Club.
In addition to the scholarship award, the recipient’s Interact club receives a cash award.
5.3.3 Funding.
The Fred Brown award is funded annually by the district. The district finance committee will determine annually the amount of the Fred Brown scholarship award and the amount of the recipient’s club award.
5.4 Equality of Awards.
The amount of the James L. Bomar Award and the scholarship portion of the Fred Brown Interact Award shall be the same if possible.
5.5 Interact Awards Selection Committee
5.5.1. Committee composition and term.
The recipient (s) of the award (s) will be chosen by an Interact Scholarship Awards Committee. The district governor will appoint a gender diverse committee comprised of four Rotarians to select recipients for both the James L. Bomar Award and the Fred Brown Award. At least one member of the committee shall be a past district governor, and the district governor-nominee designate shall be one member of the committee. A committee member cannot serve more than three consecutive years.
5.5.2 Limitation
A committee member cannot simultaneously serve on the Interact Awards Selection Committee and the Bomar Foundation Board of Directors.
5.5.3 Committee Responsibilities.
Committee responsibilities include publicizing the award programs, accepting applications, interviewing candidates, announcing winners, and coordinating disbursement of approved award funds.
5.6 Award Criteria.
5.6.1 Minimum Criteria.
Candidates for either award must meet the following minimum criteria:
a. A senior in high school with a minimum of two years active membership in an Interact club.
b. Endorsed by the sponsoring Rotary club and by the high school administration or, in the case of a community-based Interact club, the club’s advisor.
c. Minimum academic average of a B plus for the previous seven (7) academic semesters.
d. A documented record of participation and leadership in Interact club activities.
e. Personally appears before the Interact Scholarship Committee at the Interact district conference.
5.6.2 Additional Selection Criteria
The Interact Scholarship Awards Committee will develop selection criteria in addition to those in 5.6.1 that may include but not be limited to factors such as leadership, initiative, Interact activities and community service.
5.6.3 Selection Factor Weighting.
The committee may weigh the selection factors differently for the Bomar Award and the Fred Brown Award to achieve differing objectives.
5.6.4 Student Choice of Scholarship.
In the event that one individual is chosen for both a Fred Brown Award of Merit and a James L. Bomar, Jr. Interact Scholarship award, the individual shall choose which award he or she wishes to receive.
5.7 Disbursement of Scholarship.
The committee will establish mechanics and funding disbursement methods for the awards. An award is not dispersed directly to a recipient.
General. The district will reimburse the following district officials to attend certain meetings in an amount to be determined by the finance committee.
6.1 Rotary International Convention
6.11 District Officials to Attend
District governor, district governor-elect, district governor-nominee.
6.12 Reimbursement.
The district governor, district governor-elect and district governor-nominee and their partners shall be reimbursed to defray expenses not to exceed the budget including:
a. Economy class airfare
b. Lodging and meals for the duration of the convention not to exceed five days.
c. Other actual expenses, within limits authorized by the finance committee. Other expenses shall be those reasonable and necessary for the Rotarian’s trip and may include but not be limited to convention fees, meals, and incidental costs.
d. Reimbursement shall be made by the district treasurer upon documentation by the Rotarian of actual expenses subject to the limitation of a. above.
6.2 Rotary Zone Institute and Associated Training Seminars.
6.21 District Officials to Attend.
Three district officials are expected to attend the Rotary Zone Institute and associated training seminars: the district governor, the district governor-elect and the district governor-nominee.
6.22 Reimbursement.
These three officials and their partners shall each be reimbursed to defray their expenses in attending the Rotary Institute and associated training which are not reimbursed by Rotary International and not to exceed the amount approved annually by the district finance committee.
6.3 Other Official Meetings.
A Rotarian who serves on the nominating committee for RI Director, the nominating committee for RI President or as district representative to the Council on Legislation will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses in attending these meetings above those expenses reimbursed by Rotary International.
7.1. Time of Selection.
The district representative and alternate to the Council on Legislation and Council on Resolutions will be selected in the Rotary year preceding the three-year Council cycle which begins two years before the Council on Legislation meeting. The representative and alternate serve a three-year term. The representative and the alternate shall be selected by a nominating committee procedure.
7.2 Qualifications. A representative shall be:
a. a member of a club in the district
b. have served a full term as an RI officer at the time of selection. If no past officer in the district is available, then a Rotarian who served less that a full term as governor or governor-elect may be elected with the approval of the RI president.
c. Understand and be qualified, willing, and able to perform the duties and responsibilities of a representative.
7.3 Nomination for Representative.
A club may nominate a qualified member of any club in the district who is willing and able to serve. The club president and secretary shall certify the nomination. If the nominating club is not the candidate’s club, the candidate’s club president and secretary of the candidate’s club must also certify the nomination. The nomination shall be forwarded to the governor by a date established by the governor.
7.4. Council Representative Nominating Committee.
The council representative nominating committee shall consist of five district Rotarians. Any Rotarian who has previously served as a representative on the Council, shall, if willing and available, be a member. If there are more than five past council members willing and able to serve, the five with the most recent service shall serve on the Committee. If less than five, every past district governor who is willing and able to serve and who does not wish to be a candidate for representative or alternate shall be listed on a ballot to be subject to election at the district conference.
7.4.1 Election of Council Nominating Committee.
At the district conference prior to the three-year Council cycle electors shall vote for elective members of the Nominating Committee.
7.4.2 The Nominating Committee shall meet at the district conference after the election or soon thereafter, interview the candidates and make a selection no later than June 15 and forwarded to the district governor immediately. The committee may not select a member of the committee or a candidate for the nominating committee for representative or alternate.
7.5 Challenges.
Section 1.5 of these Rules of Procedure pertaining to challenges are applicable to the selection of a representative and alternate to the Council.
7.6 Duties and Obligations of Elected Representative.
The duties and obligations of the representative and alternate are set forth in the Rotary International Bylaws.
8.1 Regular resolutions.
Regular Resolutions :
a. Alter, supersede, suspend, or conflict with any provision of these rules.
b. Obligates any club or the district in a financial way.
c. Are to continue in effect after the end of the Rotary year.
d. Are directed to the Board of Directors of Rotary International, or
e. Propose changes in Rotary International constitutional documents for consideration at a Council on Legislation or Council on Resolutions.
8.2 Special resolutions.
Special Resolutions are:
a. Purely of a complimentary nature or
b. Memorials to deceased Rotarians.
8.3 Who may propose.
Resolutions may be proposed by any active Rotarian who is a member of a club in the district, by any club or by the resolutions committee. Resolutions shall be submitted to the district governor and the district resolutions committee in writing.
8.4 Voting on Resolutions.
Voting on a resolution occurs at the district business meeting of a district conference. A resolution is considered and voted on at the district business meeting as follows:
a. Regular resolutions which are submitted to the district governor and resolutions committee and presented to each club fifteen (15) days prior to the opening of the district conference may be adopted by a majority vote of the qualified voters present and voting.
b. Regular resolutions, which are submitted to the governor and district resolutions committee and presented to each club less than fifteen (15) days but at least twelve (12) hours prior to the time they are to be considered may be adopted by a vote of two-thirds of qualified voters present and voting.
c. Regular resolutions may be presented during the district business meeting in writing or orally from the floor at any time during the conference but when so presented require unanimous consent of those qualified voters present and voting.
d. Special resolutions may be presented orally or in writing by the district resolutions committee or qualified Rotarian at any time and may be adopted by a majority vote of qualified voters present and voting.
8.5 Special Provision for Modifying Rules of Procedure
8.5.1 These Rules may be modified by action of the Resolutions Committee with the approval of the district governor and district governor-elect provided that:
a. The modification is for the purpose of bringing these Rules into alignment with the RI Bylaws, or
b. The modification is of an inconsequential nature such as editorial changes for readability, spelling, rearrangement of sections, etc.
8.5.2 If such modification occurs then the Rotarians of the district shall be informed by resolution at the next district conference and asked to approve the modifications.
9.1 Policy on Harassment.
Rotary District 6780 has a zero-tolerance policy on harassment for any age group and adopts and incorporates into these Rules the following portions of the Rotary International Policy statement on harassment.
RCOP 2019 26.120. Harassment-free Environment at Meetings, Events, or Activities
Rotary is committed to maintaining an environment that is free of harassment. Harassment is broadly defined as any conduct, verbal or physical, that denigrates, insults or offends a person or group based on any characteristic (age, ethnicity, race, color, abilities, religion, socioeconomic status, culture, sex, sexual orientations, or gender identity).
All members and individuals attending or participating in Rotary meetings, events or activities should expect an environment free of harassment and shall help maintain an environment that promotes safety, courtesy, dignity, and respect to all.
Adults who work with youth are subject to policies outlined in Rotary Code of Policies, 2019, section 2.120, the District 6780 Youth Protection Policy and the District Rules of Procedure Section 10 on Youth Protection.
All allegations of criminal activity should be referred to appropriate local law enforcement authorities.
The club board or if not resolved at the club level then the district shall promptly address allegations of harassment and shall not retaliate against those making the allegation.
9.2 Scope.
This policy and associated procedures will apply to all Rotary District 6780 programs, meetings and activities at the club and district levels, and the clubs that participate in these programs. These programs include but are not limited to district conferences and training events, Youth Exchange, Interact , RYLA, and Rotaract. This policy applies to all District 6780 Rotarians, volunteers, staff and host families who are or wish to become involved in district youth programs, including all persons who reside in the home of a host family of a youth program participant.
9.3 Procedures.
District 6780 adopts and incorporates procedures and best practices recommended by Rotary International and posted on the District website.
a. Club. If the alleged harassment occurs at the club level and does not involve youth, the first steps toward resolution should be at the club level. The district governor should be informed. If a resolution is not obtained at the club level, then the complaint is forwarded to the district and heard by the District Harassment and Abuse Committee.
b. District. If the alleged harassment occurs at the district level and does not involve
youth, then the District Harassment and Abuse Committee hears and works toward resolving harassment
9.4 Implementing Procedures.
9.4.1 Role of the District Governor.
The ultimate responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with the district governor.
9.4.2 District Harassment and Abuse Prevention Committee.
The district governor shall appoint a District Harassment and Abuse Prevention Committee (DHAPCo) to assist in this responsibility. This committee and its role to this section and Section 10 Youth Protection.
1. The District Harassment and Abuse Prevention Committee (DHAPCo) will:
a. Implement and enforce this policy.
b. Disseminate this policy and ensure that district committees and Rotary clubs are fully informed about this policy and procedures.
c. Serve as the review body for the investigation and resolution of complaints,
d. Make recommendations for policy and procedure revisions as needed.
2. Committee Members. The committee shall be composed of:
a. Immediate past district governor (ex-officio, chair)
b. District governor-elect (ex-officio)
c. Past district governor (1) to be appointed by the district governor
d. Assistant governor (1) to be appointed by the district governor
e. Member-at-large (1) to be appointed by the district governor
3. The committee shall be gender diverse.
4. Decisions and recommendations will be by a vote of the majority.
5. DHAPCo will work to safeguard the privacy of all persons involved in background checks or in any complaint or allegation of abuse, harassment or neglect to the greatest extent possible and in compliance with state and federal law and this policy.
6. District Rules and Guidelines for Prevention of Abuse and Harassment. DHAPCo develops and promulgates comprehensive procedures for the prevention, reporting and handling of allegations of harassment and abuse. An independent and thorough investigation will be made into any claims of sexual abuse or harassment.
9.5 Failure to Terminate Member.
If a Rotary club refuses to terminate a member for a local finding of harassment, the district will contact the RI Director for Zones 30-31. The issue will be shared with the RI Board of Directors. Any Rotary club refusing to terminate a member for a local finding of harassment will be terminated should they fail to terminate the member for harassment.
10.1 Policy on Youth Protection.
Rotary District 6780 has a zero-tolerance policy on sexual abuse and harassment of youth and adopts and incorporates into these Rules the following portions of the Rotary International policies and procedures on Youth Protection.
10.2 Statement of Conduct for Working with Youth.
Rotary International has adopted a “Statement of Conduct for Working with Youth” and “Guidelines for Sexual Abuse Harassment Prevention.“ It is the duty of all Rotarians, Rotarians’ partners, family members and other volunteers to safeguard to the best of their ability the welfare of and to prevent the physical, sexual, or emotional abuse of children and young people with whom they come into contact.”
Rotary District 6780 adopts the “Statement of Conduct” and “Guidelines” as its policy on working with youth and incorporates them by reference into this policy. The District 6780 policy will conform to Rotary International policy in all respects.
10.3 Rotary District 6780 Youth Protection Policy.
Rotary District 6780 has adopted a Youth Protection Policy incorporating all Rotary International requirements. The policy is posted on the District 6780 Website.
10.4 Tennessee Law.
District 6780 will comply with all pertinent provisions of Tennessee law which requires persons who work with children as paid employees or volunteers to complete a criminal history disclosure form and agree to release all records involving the person.
10.5 District 6780 Youth Protection Procedures Basic Provisions.
10.5.1 Youth Protection Officer.
In addition, and to implement the procedures in the Youth Protection Policy, the governor will annually appoint a Youth Protection Officer (YPO). The YPO must have experience in youth protection. The YPO does not have to be a Rotarian.
10.5.2. District Harassment and Abuse Prevention Committee.
The district has a District Harassment and Abuse Prevention Committee (see ROP Section 9.4.2) which is the body to whom allegations of abuse or harassment is to be reported and they will act as the body to hear complaints along with the Youth Protection Officer.
10.5.3 Rotarian and Club Termination Policies.
A club must terminate the membership of any individual who admits to, is convicted of or is otherwise known to have engaged in sexual abuse or harassment of youth or youth program participants. A Rotarian or non- Rotary volunteer who admits to, is convicted of, or is otherwise known to have engaged in sexual abuse or sexual harassment or other act of moral turpitude must be prohibited from working with youth in a Rotary context. A club may not grant membership to a person who is known to have engaged in sexual abuse or harassment. Upon obtaining information that a club has knowingly failed to terminate the membership of such an individual, the district governor will contact the RI Zone 30-31 Director. The issue will be shared with the RI Board of Directors. Any Rotary club refusing to terminate a member for a local finding of abuse or harassment will terminated should they fail to terminate the member for abuse or harassment. This section also applies to adult harassment.
11.1 Rotary International Documents Supreme.
Nothing in these rules is intended to modify or conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of Rotary International and if any such conflict occurs or is shown, the Rotary International documents will override provision of these rules.
12. JAMES L. BOMAR, JR. ROTARY INTERACT SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION, INC. (herein-after called Bomar Interact Foundation or The Foundation.) This section is for informational purposes. The Bomar Foundation operates under its own Bylaws.
12.1 Nonprofit Corporation
The Bomar Interact Foundation is a Tennessee nonprofit corporation with IRS 501 c (3) status
separate from District 6780. Chartered by the State of Tennessee on May 3, 1989, the Foundation is administered by a board of directors according to its Bylaws.
12.2 Purpose.
The purpose of The Foundation is to solicit, receive and manage funds to fund scholarships for active members of Interact clubs in District 6780.
12.3 Scholarship Recipient Selection.
Scholarship recipients are selected by the District 6780 committee on Interact scholarships as set forth in Section 5 of these Rules.
12.4 Amount and Number of Awards.
The Bomar Foundation board of directors annually authorizes the amount of funds available for scholarships.
12.5 Board of Directors.
The Bomar Foundation board of directors directs and controls all investments, spending policies and disbursements from the Foundation.
12.6 Secretary and Treasurer.
The district treasurer serves as treasurer of the Foundation. The district secretary serves as secretary of the Foundation.