Rotary International adopted an Action Plan in 2021 and all Rotarians need to get intimate with the four areas as depicted on the image:

- Increase our impact
- Expand our reach
- Enhance participant     engagement
- Increase our ability to adapt

In fact, consider reciting these four areas after each meeting. They should be as familiar as the 4-Way Test.

Additionally, Past District Governor/RI Director-elect Beth Stubbs is more than happy to come do a program on the Rotary Action Plan. She can be contacted by email.

For more information on the plan, see these links:

Why the Action Plan - John Hewko

Rotary Action Plan Review

Rotary Action Plan FAQs

Message from the Rotary Action Plan Chair - Stephanie Urchick





District Events
Annual Fund and PolioPlus Giving Year-to-Date
Paul Harris Society Members by Club
PolioPlus Society Members by Club
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